TT No. 418: A Six-Wheel-Drive Transporter for Oil Palm FFB Evacuation

The six wheel drive transporter (6WD transporter) has a single chassis configuration resting on three axles and equipped with six equal sized tyres. Apart from the standard front wheel steering, the 6WD transporter is equipped with an additional steerable rear axle. This rear axle steering can be engaged and disengaged depending on need. If four wheel steering mode is engaged, its turning  radius would be reduces to half, making turning in a tight spot a lot easier. Another novelty of the 6WD transporter is its rocking arm, when both middle and rear axles are bolted. The arm is hinged to the chassis, which allows it to swing up and down in relation to the chassis so that all four rear wheels are always in contact with the ground.

Main Research: Abd Rahim Shuib