TT No. 400: PS13 – Breeding Population Selected for Low Lipase

The quality of palm oil is primarily determined by its content of free fatty acids (FFA) as they are easily oxidized to make the oil rancid. Sambanthamurthi et al. (1991) reported an increase in FFA in palm oil due to the action of an endogenous lipase. Lipases are one of the most studied groups of lipid-related enzymes because of their involvement in oil quality deterioration (Sambanthamurthi et al., 2000). The endogenous enzyme is activated after abscission of the fruit although exogenous enzyme(s) also become involved when the fruit is bruised. Thus, any delay in processing the fruits will increase the FFA content in the oil produced (Figure 1). The FFA can be removed by refining the oil, but this is an added cost. Palm oil from the present commercial palms showed 22% to 73% FFA after exposure to low temperature. Sambanthamurthi and Kushairi (2002) confirmed that endogenous lipase activity is genotype-dependent. Low endogenous lipase palms occur, and they can be used to develop new planting materials producing better quality palm oil.

Main Research: Dr Maizura Ithnin