TT No. 391: Production of Tocotrienol Enriched Eggs

Tocotrienol-enriched egg was developed at the Energy Protein Centre (EPC), MPOB in Keratong, Pahang. It was technically feasible to produce tocotrienol-enriched chicken eggs through feeding formulated feed with tocotrienolrich fraction (TRF) and/or MPOB-HIE. Tocotrienol and vitamin E enhanced oxidative stability and prevented off-fl avour in the eggs (Ajuyah et al., 1993). Vitamin E was demonstrated to reduce heat stress in laying hens (Whitehead et al., 1998; Bollengier-Lee et al., 1998). MPOB-HIE was developed from a palm oil product very rich in natural tocotrienols and vitamin E. It was technically and economically feasible to substitute crude palm oil (CPO) and part of the corn in layer chicken feed.

Main Research: Dr Osman Atil