TT No. 389: Palm-based Trans-free Brick Spread for Shallow Frying

Brick spread is widely used in the catering and retail sectors (Figure 1). The applications of this product are for spreading on bread and to stir fry vegetables, rice, seafood, meat and eggs. Brick spread replaces the function of butter in shallow frying application. Brick spread in shallow frying will act to transfer the buttery aroma into the shallow fried foods. The oils and fats used in the formulation must play the role of preserving the butter fl avour during the shallow frying process. Despite this, the spread must also be able to tolerate high frying temperatures without scorching the frying pan or spattering. Specially selected palm-based oils and fats are able to support this application as palm-based products are able to withstand high frying temperatures and are resistant to oxidation. Palmbased oils and fats also contain very low levels of phospholipids (2 to 4 ppm). Hence, the use of palm-based products will be able to minimize the staining of the frying pans from the formation of gummy residual during the shallow frying process.

Main Research: Sivaruby Kanagaratnam