TT No. 387: Trans free Soft Spread

A trans-free Soft Spread (TF Soft Spread) has been formulated (Figure 1). The margarine is consistent, yet soft and readily spreadable on bread from the refrigerator at 5°C-10°C. It also maintains its consistency even when left at room temperature (23°C-25°C) for up to 4 hr. There has been increasing demand for margarines with low saturates and trans by health conscious consumers. The saturated fatty acid (SAFA) content recommended is < 33% and trans fatty acids <1%. Reducing SAFA to <33% will normally compromise the physical product as SAFA contributes to the structure or body of the margarine by affecting its solid fat content (SFC) which can be measured by nuclear magnetic resonance. Reducing SAFA will weaken the structure. Soft margarines with low SFC packed in tubs would also suffer from oil separation, graininess and greasiness. When a margarine is produced, it should be allowed suffi cient crystal formation for the desired consistency during filling. This can be achieved by setting the crystallization temperature at 30% SFC. The storage temperature is another important parameter to manage for stability and spreada-bility of the margarine over time. MPOB has, however, managed to produce a trans free soft spread with low SAFA and high linoleic acid using a novel processing method.

Main Research: Dr Miskandar Mat Sahri