TT No. 371: Trans Free Palm-Based Shelf Stable Margarine Formulation

Tans-free palm-based shelf-stable margarine was formulated from palm oil derivatives without hydrogenation. The margarine, processed in a scraped surface heat exchanger (was filled in containers of 10 and 20 kg and could be marketed for baking and shallow frying) (Figure 1). The formulation has a melting point of 36°C – 37°C, and is thus suitable for tropical and hot regions. The current requirement in many countries for food products to be free of trans-fatty acids has led food formulators, especially those of margarines and shortenings, to switch to non-hydrogenated fats as raw materials, and interesterifi ed fats are one of the alternatives commonly used. Basically, this is to obtain a stock similar to hydrogenated oils, while liquid oils can be used to the maximum in the formulation.

Main Research: Miskandar Mat Sahri