TT No. 369: Palm Blends for Temperate Climates

Polyunsaturated oils present problems with regards to flavour and oxidative stability. Partial hydrogenation reduces the problems by removing some of the double bonds which are the sites of oxygen attack. However, hydrogenation is not desirable as it gives rise to formation of trans-fatty acids which are detrimental to health. Blending the unsaturated oils with palm olein is an alternative to partial hydrogenation. Compared to other oils, palm oil and palm olein are excellent choices for food applications because they have good oxidative stability. However, their use in temperate countries as liquid oils is limited because they tend to crystallize and become cloudy at low temperature. Even palm superolein clouds during cold weather. There is nothing wrong with the oil, but consumers perceive a cloudy oil as a deteriorated product which they would not buy.

Main Research: Dr. Nor Aini Idris