TT No. 350: Integration of Soybean with Oil Palm in Double Avenue Planting

Soyabean (Glysine max) (Figure 1) is a major source of protein for human and livestock. The average import of soyabean (broken and not broken) in 2002 to 2005 was 693 968 t yr-1 worth RM 719 991 178, mostly for livestock feed. The major human food products from soyabean are bean curd, soyabean drink and tempe. The soyabean plant is an annual legume, growing to 75–100 cm height depending on the soil, climatic conditions, variety and management. Its roots bear nodules harbouring nitrogen-fi xing bacteria. It needs high moisture (rainfall > 150 mm per month) in its fi rst two months of growth for good early growth and subsequent high yield, and low rainfall in the third month for uniform ripening and to minimize bolting of the seeds. Soyabean can grow in a wide range of soils, especially sandy clays with good drainage. It prefers fl at to gentle slopes as it is quite susceptible to damage by erosion in hilly areas.

Main Research: Suboh Ismail