TT No. 322: Palm Oil Based Shortening For Multi Layered Bread

The shortening for multi-layer bread is specially designed to facilitate lamination of the dough in the baking of puff pastry products (Figure 1). Multi-layer bread is a unique traditional breakfast delicacy in Izmir, Turkey. As a staple, up to three pieces can be consumed per meal (each piece weighing 120 to 150 g). The bread is filled with a savoury or sweet filling to cater for the taste of an extensive range of customers. The palm-based shortening confers excellent baking properties for this local favourite and has replaced the traditional tallow or hydrogenated fats-based shortenings. This plastic shortening is also able to perform in other dough laminating systems in puff pastry (Figure 2).

Main Research: Sivaruby Kanagaratnam