TT No. 317: Standard Reference Materials- Fatty Acid Composition of Palm Oil, Palm Olein and Palm Stearin (MRM-2)

Malaysia exports various palm oil products with different fatty acid compositions. To ensure that the products are within the trade specifications, they have to be tested before export. Therefore, Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) of palm oil products are required to ensure that products meet the specifications. SRM is defined as a reference material, accompanied by a certificate, one or more of which properties have been certified by a procedure which accurately ascertain the values. Each certified value is accompanied by its error. Currently, there are only two or three palm oil standards. Until now, the SRMs of many products are still not available. Also, these available standards are rather expensive. MPOB has thus conducted inter-laboratory cross-check programmes to produce palm oil SRMs. This will promote MPOB as a centre for quality control of palm oil products.  

Main Research: Azmil Haizam Ahmad Tarmizi