TT No. 310: Integration of Groundnut with Oil Palm Planted in Double Avenue Planting System

Crop integration with oil palm is one way to maximize land productivity. To ensure oil palm growers can integrate their oil palm with other crops continuously, double avenue planting of oil palm was used. However, there is still need to identify the crops suitable for integration. In addition, a good production system for such crops also needs to be established. Based on a study at MAAH plantation, Sepang, groundnut was found suitable for integration with oil palm. Flat to gently undulating oil palm areas are the most suitable for planting groundnut which does well in deep and well-drained soils, not prone to water-logging. A light texture and friable sandy loam is preferred since it permits easier pegging and harvesting. High yields can be obtained with good agronomic practices. Several varieties from India and Indonesia were evaluated and some found to produce high yield and were thus, recommended for integration with oil palm. Local production of groundnut is limited and most of the needs are imported. The demand is good, especially for roasting, confectionery and bakery products. Therefore, groundnut (Figure 1) production in oil palm is attractive.

Main Research:  Raja Zulkifli Raja Omar