TT No. 304: Simple Impeller with Fast Transfer Technique (SLIM-FaTT) in Liquid Culture System

The liquid culture system has been established in laboratories and MPOB since 1999 (Tarmizi et al., 2003). Various technologies have been developed to further improve the system (Tarmizi and Zaiton, 2005). The two-in-one MPOB Simple Impeller (2-in- 1 MoSLIM) was developed as a new process to provide simultaneous aeration and agitation (two-in-one) for establishment, maintenance and maturation of liquid cultures. It is also an economical and practical approach to maintain cultures in liquid culture for any crop or animal. However, the vessel has still to be taken to the laminar flow cabinet for medium replenishment. This will increase the risk of contamination. To overcome the problem, further modification was made on the system so that the culture need not be moved from the culture room with the replenishment done on site.

Main Research: Dr Ahmad Tarmizi Hashim