TT No. 273: Palm-based Compact Powder with Vitamin E

These ranges of products are targets for ≥ 35-age market segments. The function of these products is to cover natural fine wrinkle on faces as we age or prematurely age. The premature skin is due to overexposure to sun, environmental, pollutants cigarette, smoke, fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Ultraviolet radiation through sun exposure can dehydrate the skin due to generation of harmful substances called free radicals which are strong oxidizing agents. Smoothness and suppleness of the skin is modulated by the amount of surface moisture content and elastic tissue such as collagen. Free radicals can potentially damage DNA, the genetic material required for making protein as well as collagen, resulting in the loss of skin tone and elasticity. Marine collagen is one of the actives that can be use to repair the damage skin, restoring the cutaneous surface (Kimura et al., 1988; Montero et al., 1990; Sato et al., 1989a, b). Therefore, the palm-based anti-wrinkle lotion and palm-based liquid foundations SPF 13 enriched with the collagen were developed. The palm-based compact powder and palm-based compact paste are commonly used for the final touch to balance the skin face tone. They are available in three colour tones, i.e. light, beige and tan. The amount of palm-based derivatives used in the formulations is from 35% to 48% for palmbased anti-wrinkle lotion, liquid foundation and compact paste. As a binder in compact powder, 5% of palm-based derivatives were used.

Main Research: Dr Zahariah Ismail