TT No. 27: Palm Oil Microencapsulation

Microencapsulation is one of the techniques used downstream processing of palm oil and processed palm oil products. It is a technique by which droplets of liquid oil or solid fat particles of palm oil based products (core material) are coated with a thin film of coating/encapsulating agent (i.e a polymer). The structure formed by the coating agent around the core material protects the core against deterioration and releases it under desired conditions. 

There are numerous techniques of producing microcapsules. The choice, to a great extent depends on the core material to be treated. The most common technique for oils and fats is spray drying which produces fine oils or fat powders. The spray drying process is economical and flexible, requires equipment that is readily available, and produces products of good quality.

Main Researcher: Noor Lida Habi Mat Dian