TT No. 264: Integration of Bactris (Bactris gasipaes) for Palm Heart with Oil Palm Planted in Double Avenue Planting System

Bactris (Bactris gasipaes) is also known as peach palm and has two genotypes; spineless and spiny. It is a monoecious and self-incompatible plant with male and female flowers develop on a rachilla. Bactris is a fast growing palm with large palm heart, stem diameter of 12 to 26 cm, and can grow up to 6 to 24 m tall (Figure 1). In general, a number of suckers grow from its basal axillary buds and some of these suckers develop into multiple stems that form a clump. The stems are straight, cylindrical and unbranched. The palm starts fruiting at the age of three to five years after planting. For palm heart production, spineless genotype is cultivated for easier management and handling. The common uses of bactris palm heart are for making salad, vegetable and pickle.

Main Research: Hj Suboh Ismail