TT No. 256: Reactive Phosphates Fertilizers Recommended for Young Oil Palm Planted In Inland Soils

For many years in Malaysia, phosphate rock (PR) from Christmas Island (CIRP) has been used most exclusively as the P source for plantation crops including oil palm. This source was shown in oil palm trials to be as effective as soluble P fertilizer (Chan, 1982). The effects of direct application of phosphate rock on mature oil palm under Malaysian soil condition have been well studied (Foster et al., 1988). However currently, with the declining availability and varying quality of CIRP, there is a need to consider a more reliable source of P fertilizers for use in oil palm planting. In view of the differences in effectiveness of various phosphate fertilizers especially for oil palm, it is necessary to evaluate the commercially available P fertilizers for more cost-effective fertilizer usage. A field trial was conducted by MPOB to compare the agronomic effectiveness of various P fertilizers from different sources on immature and young palms planted on an inland soil.

Main Research: Dr Zin Zawawi Zakaria