TT No. 232: Production of Co-Enzyme Q10 from Crude Palm Oil

Crude palm oil (CPO) consists of a bouquet of phytonutrients which are beneficial to health and well-being. Among the phytonutrients present in palm oil is the coenzyme Q10or ubiquinone. Coenzyme Q10 is present in CPO in the range of 10–80 ppm (Hamid et al., 1995; Tay and Choo, 2000). The relatively higher amount of carotenes and vitamin E in CPO often mask the presence of coenzyme Q10. Thus, special technique is needed to extract and purify this valuable compound. In our present patented process, high purity (80%) coenzyme Q10 with more than 70% recovery is produced.

Main Research: Dr Choo Yuen May