TT No. 221: PS7 : High Bunch Index Breeding Populations

Oil yield (OY) is the most important selection criteria in breeding improvement programme. One way to increase OY is through increasing the bunch index (BI) besides increasing the oil to bunch ratio. BI is derived from the ratio of bunch dry matter to total dry matter production (BDM/BDM+VDM). Estimation of the parameter requires the measurement of yield, trunk height and diameter, rate of frond production and petiole cross-section. BI and vegetative dry matter (VDM) production are highly heritable characters, therefore, it is important that they be considered in breeding experiment (Corley et al., 1981). The significant heritable variation in BI suggests that neglecting this trait in selection may result in population of highly competitive palms (Kushairi et al., 1999). Such palms perform well at the expense of their neighbors and a stand of them would not necessarily be high yielding (Hardon et al., 1985).

Main Research: Puan Junaidah Judin