TS192: SawitSecure 2.0. Digital Management of Pests and Diseases of Oil Palm

The palm oil industry has significantly contributed to the rapid economic development of the country. Malaysia produced more than 17.8 million tonnes of crude palm oil from a planted area of 5.87 million hectares in 2020. The country’s total export of palm oil and palm-based products was 25.2 million tonnes, generating export earnings of RM64.92 billion in 2020 (Parveez et al.,2020). Despite of the rapid growth, the oil palm industry is prone to the threat by various pests including insects, vertebrates, diseases and weeds.Thirty two diseases and disorders affecting the oil palm in Africa, Southeast Asia and South America are described with their distribution, economic importance, etiology and control (Kushairi et al.,2018). Of these, nine diseases are considered to be of major economic importance worldwide, 19 are of minor importance, and four are due to nutrient deficiencies. The major diseases causing serious economic losses vascular wilt (Fusariumoxysporum f. sp. elaeidis), Ganoderma basal stemrot (Ganoderma spp.) and Armillaria trunk rot(Armillariella mellea) in Africa; basal stem rot, Corticium leaf rot (Corticium solani). Marasmius bunch rot (Marasmius palmivora) in Southeast Asia; sudden wilt and bud rot in South America (Corleyand Tinker, 2015; Maizatul-Suriza et al., 2021).

Main Researcher: Mohd Hefni Rusli
E-mail: mohd.hefni@admin