TS No. 73: Multiplex PCR-DNA Kit for Early Detection and Identification of Ganoderma Species in Oil Palm

Technologies for the early detection of Ganoderma have been achieved through a culturing technique using Ganoderma selective medium (GMS) (Ariffin and Idris, 1991), through the molecularpolymerese chain reaction-deoxyribonucleic acid (PRC-DNA) technique (Idris et al., 2004) and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-polyclonal antibody (ELISA-Pab) protocol (Idris and Rafidah, 2008). These techniques offer several advantages in providing specificity and sensitivity in Ganoderma detection in oil palm. Utilization of the Multipex PRC-DNA Kit for the early detection and identification of four species of Ganoderma in oil palm is offered to the oil palm indusrty.

Main Research: Dr Idris Abu Seman