TS No. 68: Rapid Method for the Determination of Hydroxyl Valus in Palm-based Polyols

Hydroxyl value is defined as the number of hydroxyl end-groups per gram of a sample. It is a very important quality parameter, and a typical measure to determine molecular weight and calculate the functionality of polyols. A polyols is an alcohol with more then two reactive hydroxly groups per molecule. Polyols are the starting material for producing polyurethane. Polyols when reacted with an appropriate isocyanate and a suitable blowing agent will produce polyuthane. The hydroxyl value of a polyol is closely assosiated to the physical and mechenical properties of the resultant polyurethane foam. Therefore, any change in the hydroxyl value may result in a change in quality of the polyurethane foam produced. Hydroxyl value is also important in polyol analysis to gauge the extent of a reaction, or the number of hydroxyl groups for further reaction. Hydroxyl value is a critical parameter routinely monitered by polyol manufacturers to ensure the quality of the polyols produced.

Main Research: Bonnie Tay Yen Ping