TS No. 50: Construction of Transformation Vectors for Efficient Down Regulation of Transgenes in Transgenic Plants

Down-regulating genes is one way to generate transgenic plants in genetic engineering. Knocking out a gene by antisense technology has been applied to modify the oil palm fatty acid biosynthesis pathway, but it is not the most effi cient approach. Recently, the discovery in plants of RNA interference (RNAi) mediated by sequence-specifi c degradation of double stranded RNA (dsRNA) has led to the development of highly effi cient methods for silencing plant genes. Specifi cally designed genetic constructs containing introns fl anked by inverted repeats (self-complementary ‘harpin’), or intron-harpin RNA (ihpRNA), have been confi rmed as a useful strategy for silencing gene function. Hence, MPOB has developed a series transformation vectors to facilitate gene silencing through ihpRNA technology.

Main Research: Abdul Masani Mat Yunus