TS No. 153: Determination of Isopropyl P-Toluenesulphonic Acid Ester in Cosmetic Products

Isopropyl p-toluenesulphonic acid esters (IPTS) is a by-product that may be formed during synthesis of isopropyl palmitate (IPP) and isopropyl myristate (IPM). The synthesis route is via esterification of palmbased palmitic and palm kernel-based myristic acids, by reaction with isopropanol. Under certain reaction conditions (anhydrous, no base and high temperature) isopropyl alcohol may react with the catalyst, p-toluenesulphonic acid to form IPTS. These esters act as dry and soft non-greasy emollient, moisturisers, thickening and anti-static agents in cosmetic and personal care products. 

Researcher: Bonnie Tay Yen Ping
Email: bonnie@mpob.gov.my