MIS No. 1: The Palm Oil Industry, Export Trade and Future Trends

Palm oil contributes significantly in supplying the world’s requirement for oils and fats. Total production in 1990 was 10.55 million tonnes and this accounted for 13.2% of the world’s total oils and fats output of 79.7 million tonnes. Palm oil together with soyabean, rapeseed and sunflowerseed oils are often recognized as the big four in the oils and fats trade as the total production of these oils – 16.26 million tonnes for soyabean oil. 8,02 million tonnes for rapeseed oil and 7.85 million tonnes of sunflowerseed oils accounted for 72.7% of the 58.5 million tonnes of major vegetable oils produced in 1990.

Main Researcher: Dr. Yusof Basiron