TT No. 427: Maximizing the Recovery of Dry Kernel and Shell via Four-stage Winnowing Column

Palm kernel is a secondary product generated from palm oil mills. In a conventional kernel recovery plant, the separation of kernels and shells is carried out using a a combination of s dry and wet separation system. The cracked mixture which consist of kernel and shells is separated partly by a winnowing column and partly through a hydro-cyclone or a clay bath. The commercial dry separation system uses either force or induced draught. With aims to maximize the recovery of dry kernels and shells, to improve kernel quality as well as to reduce the amount and impact of clay and water used for wet sepaaration on the environment, MPOB in collaboration with Hue Far Engineering Works Sdn Bhd (HF) and FELDA Palm Industries Sdn Bhd (FPISB) has successfully develop an efficient kernel and shell separation developed an efficient kernel and shell separation system via a four-stage winnowing column. The efficient and proper dry seperation of kernels and shells from the craked mixture can be achieved provided that the cracked mixture which is fed into the system gas superior quality and particles of uniform size.

Main Research: Rohaya Mohammed Halim