TT No. 421: Bafog-1(S): Fogging Formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis for Controlling Bagworm

Bafog-1(S) is the local B. thuringiensis isolate, MPOB BTI formulated solution for controlling bagworm via fogging. The name Bagof-1(S) was derived from Nacillus sp. for fogging in solution from (S). Bafog-1(S) is specially formulated for bottom,-up application in peat and soggy areas where the use of tractor-mounted turbomist is not possible. Bafog-1(S) is produced by vacuum evaporating of fermented liquid culture at 33C to produce concentrated culture and further process by mixing with inert ingredients. The product is mainly used for fogging application using a fogging machine (Figure 1).

Main Research: Dr Siti Ramlah Ahmad Ali