TT No. 364: 3-N Lumber from Oil Palm Trunk

Each year, the oil palm industry produces more than 15 million cubic metre of oil palm trunks (OPT) during replanting. Despite their possible use as wood, the material is largely wasted. Some of the problems are a low recovery of sawn timber after seasoning, and the poor inherent physical and mechanical characteristics of the wood. Without chemical pre-treatment, oil palm lumber is generally susceptible to attack by fungi and borers. In addition, the undried wood exposed to humidity changes tends to warp and crack. The dried lumber is of low density and with poor mechanical properties. All these detract from value of the wood. MPOB has developed a process to improve wood by resin impregnation and densifi cation, i.e., resin infusion and compression. The product, called 3-N lumber, is densified oil palm lumber with improved strength. It is non-absorbent, non-swelling and not susceptible to attack by pathogens.

Main Research:  Kamaruddin Hassan