TT No. 351: Integration of Hill Paddy with Oil Palm in Double Avenue Planting

Hill paddy (Oryzea sativa L.) (Figure 1) can be grown on wide range of soils, especially on sandy clay loam to clay loam. In general, it is grown in rain-fed areas, either on flat or sloping land. Although grown on dry land, it requires high moisture (rainfall of 250–200 mm per month) during its fi rst four months of growth. The crop takes 140 to 166 days to mature, depending on the variety and climatic conditions. Currently, hill paddy is grown in the traditional way without proper manuring with poor yields obtained – as low as 1 t ha-1 season-1. However, with good management and fertilization, the yield can be more than 3 t ha-1 season-1. Based on this production, and as its good aroma and taste command a higher price (niche market), hill paddy has great potential to be inter-planted with oil palm to generate additional income for the oil palm grower.

Main Research: Suboh Ismail