TT No. 286: Water Cooled Screw Press For Production of Feed Quality Palm Kernel Expeller (PKE) for Feedstuff

Palm kernel expeller (PKE) is a nutritious product generated from kernel crushing plants. In 2003, Malaysia produced about 1.90 million tonnes of PKE and most of the production was exported to countries in the European Union (EU) whereby about 20% of the dairy rations in those countries use PKE as one of the common ingredients. The crude fibre content of PKE which currently ranges from 16% – 18% is acceptable to most ruminants. However, the use of PKE for poultry feed is still unacceptable due to high content of fibrous material in the expeller as a result of the high content of shell and dirt in palm kernel which currently exceeds 6%. This high shell content also affects the feeding value for poultry in terms of low protein content and energy availability.

Main Research: Rohaya Mohd Halim