TT No. 261: MPOB Fast Transfer Technique (MoFaTT) in Liquid Culture System

The liquid culture system offers advantages in reproducibility, versatility and efficiency with high potential for scaling-up propagule production. A liquid culture consists of small cell groups and large cell aggregates dispersed in a liquid medium and actively growing under agitation and aeration (Narayanaswamy, 1994). Application of this technology would lead to development of automation for oil palm tissue culture. The liquid culture system has been established in some laboratories and at MPOB since 1999 (Tarmizi, et al., 2003). However, there is still a need to improve the efficiency of the liquid culture system. To address this issue, MPOB Fast Transfer Technique (MoFaTT: Figure 1) in liquid culture system was developed as a rapid and convenient method for liquid media replenishment during maintenance and maturation of cultures (Figure 2).

Main Research: Dr Ahmad Tarmizi Hashim