TT No. 237-238: Palm-based Hair Care Products for Anti Hair Loss

Hair loss is a major concern to most consumers. This happens when scalp becomes greasy but hair too dry. For Asian people, an average daily hair fall of between 20 to 30 strands isconsidered normal provided it is being equally and immediately replaced (Chung, 2000). It is important for those who have this problem to choose the right product to maintain scalp hygiene. There are three stages of hair growth during its life-span. The first phase is anagen, which lasts for an average of three years. During this phase, hair achieves a maximum linear growth approximately 1 cm per month. It then turns into catagen, the second phase. This is the resting period, where there is no growth. Usually this phase lasts for about 100 days before it goes into telogen phase. During telogen, the end of the hair that is still in the follicle begins to dryup, disintegrate and become lodged from the dermal papilla. Meanwhile a new anagen is formed to replace the out-going telogen hair.

Main Research: Cik Asiah Ahmad