TT No. 215: Mechanical Trunk Injection for Control of Ganoderma

Basal stem rot (BSR) caused by Ganoderma boninense, which is a serious disease, especially in the replanted areas from old oil palm and coconut, remains the major disease of oil palm in Southeast Asia (Idris et al., 2003). Ganoderma is a saprophyte that can infect a living palm if there is a large enough inoculum. The fungus, which is soil-borne, initially invades one or more roots and from there gradually extends into the stem, causing a dry rot, that eventually leads to the death of the palm. The disease can kill up to 80% of the stand by the time when the palms are halfway through their normal economic life span. As with most soil-borne diseases, it is extremely difficult to control once the disease has become established. The best approach to disease control is avoidance. All potential sources of infection from old stem and roots of oil palm and coconut should be destroyed.

Main Research: En. Abd. Razak Jelani