TT No. 285: Plant-wide Automation of Palm Oil Mills

Laboratory-scale and pilot-scale studies on a new process for continuous sterilization demonstrated its technical and economic viability and a commercial-scale system was subsequently built in the MPOB Palm Oil Mill Technology Centre LL(POMTEC) in Labu. The continuous sterilization process provides the impetus for new paradigms in the design and operation of palm oil mills. The […]

TT No. 284: Improved Technology for the Production of Palm-based Liquid Laundry Detergent

Alpha sulphonated methyl ester (SME) or commonly known to the industry as methyl ester sulphonates (MES), is an oleochemical-based surfactant that can be obtained by direct suphonation of palm methyl esters. Palm SME can be used to formulate detergent and cleaning products as an active ingredient. Thorough and dedicated research were conducted in order to […]

TT No. 283: Improved Technology for the Production of Palm-based Powder Detergent

Alpha sulphonated methyl ester (SME) or commonly known to the industry as methyl ester sulphonates (MES), is an oleochemical-based surfactant that can be obtained by direct suphonation of palm methyl esters. Palm SME can be used to formulate detergent and cleaning products as an active ingredient. Thorough and dedicated research were conducted in order to […]

TT No. 281: Palm-based Hydraulic Fluid

Hydraulic fluids represent one of the most important groups of industrial lubricants. It comprises of 25% of the industrial lubricant sector (Anon, 1994). It is being used widely in industriahydraulic systems, particularly machine tools, steering gears, etc. It is also used in land, sea and airborne transport, as well as in brake systems. The existence […]