TT No. 29: A Novel Treatment Process for Palm Oil Mill Effluent

Over the last two decades, treatment and disposal methods have been successfully developed and employed by the palm oil mills to treat their palm oil mill effuents (POME). Conventional ological system consisting anaerobic or facultative processes are used. If well operated and maintained, these processes are able to treat POME to the discharge standards stipulated […]

TT No. 28: Translucent Soap Derived from Palm-Based Products

Cleanliness is next to godliness’ is a well known quotation. Cleanliness can be achieved through washing and this is where soap plays an important role. Soap has been in existence since the year 200 BC and its role as a cleansing agent has been well established, so much so that soap processing has developed tremendously […]

TT No. 27: Palm Oil Microencapsulation

Microencapsulation is one of the techniques used downstream processing of palm oil and processed palm oil products. It is a technique by which droplets of liquid oil or solid fat particles of palm oil based products (core material) are coated with a thin film of coating/encapsulating agent (i.e a polymer). The structure formed by the […]

TT No. 26: Salad Dressings

The word “salad” comes from the Latin herbasalata “salted herbs”. Its derivation suggests that in the early days, salads must have been freshly picked vegetables, seasoned with salt and eaten raw. However, more elaborate salads were known by the time of classical Rome.  Salads are served at the start of a meal, they excite the palate and […]

TT No. 25: Production of Palm-Based Shortenings

Shortenings are used for frying and baking. Commercial frying operations require that fried products have a good shelf life. Since the fat in the fried products has a large area that is exposed to air, it is susceptible and this will cause the products to become rancid. For this reason, the use of polyunsaturated oil […]