TT No. 35: Palm-Based Chocolate

Chocolate is eaten simply because people pleasure in it. Through taste and texture there is probably no other product that gives so much enjoyment. Chocolate also makes a pleasant and acceptable gift to convey some element of feeling. Chocolates are usually formulated with cocoa butter, cocoa liquor, sugar and lecithin, and in the case of […]

TT No.33: Palmanis Lotion and Cream

Hand and body lotion or cream are cosmetic products applied topically on the skin to obtain one or all of the following desired effects: moisturizing, moisture-retaining, softening, and sun protecting. Lotion and cream are basically similar in terms of appearance and there is no clear distinction between the two, except viscosity. In general, lotion is expected to […]

TT No. 32: Phytin, Phytic Acid and Inositol

By-products of the food and milling industries are mostly used as animal feeds and this is typically so with the case of palm kernel cake obtained from oil palm industry in Malaysia. Rubberseed cake can also be used as animal feed but due to the difficulty in collecting the seeds from the rubber estates, its […]

TT No. 31: Palmianis Lotion and Cream

Hand and body lotion or cream are cosmetic products applied topically on the skin to obtain one or all of the following desired effects: moisturizing, moisture-retaining, softening, and sun protecting. Lotion and cream are basically similar in terms of appearance and there is no clear distinction between the two, except viscosity. In general, lotion is […]

TT No. 30: Activated Carbon Production from Oil Palm Waste and By Products

Oil palm wastes such as palm shells and empty bunches, the by-products of milling process, can be turned into value added product such as activated charcoals. The conversion of these materials will directly solve some of the disposal problems. In addition, it will increase the output of palm oil industry by turning a by-product into […]