TT No. 370: Palm-Based Trans Free Puff Pastr Margarine

Puff pastry is one of the most remarkable products from the bakeshop. It has the ability to rise to eight times its original thickness when baked to form a flaky structure. The rise is due to the unique and intricate lamination of alternate layers of pastry dough and roll-in fat. Puff pastry dough recipes are usually […]

TT No. 369: Palm Blends for Temperate Climates

Polyunsaturated oils present problems with regards to flavour and oxidative stability. Partial hydrogenation reduces the problems by removing some of the double bonds which are the sites of oxygen attack. However, hydrogenation is not desirable as it gives rise to formation of trans-fatty acids which are detrimental to health. Blending the unsaturated oils with palm olein […]

TT No. 366: Membrane Bioreactor Technology for Tertiary of Palm Oil Mill Effluent(POME)

With better membrane developed from better understanding of the fi ltration mechanisms, membrane bioreactor (MBR) systems become a feasible option for aerobic treatment of wastewater, industrial wastewater and potentially for palm oil mill wastewaters. Owing to their ability to produce excellent treatment effi ciency, MBRs are increasingly used around the world. MBR installations are also increasing […]