TT No. 375: Palm Oil Standard Reference Materials for Determination of Solid fat Content

The solid fat content (SFC) is a major concern in food applications, and is generally considered the fingerprint of oils and fats to characterize the physical and sensory properties of foods such as spreadability, texture, firmness and mouth-feel. Knowing the SFC would be useful for formulating new products and also for authenticating the oil and fat. […]

TT No. 374: High Oleic Palm-Based Products

The benefits of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in reducing blood cholesterol are well known. Unsurprisingly, the present trend is towards less saturated and higher monounsaturated fatty acids in the fats consumed. Based on Steps I and II of the American Heart Association (AHA) diet, a composition of < 7% saturated, up to 10% polyunsaturated […]

TT No. 373: Palm-Based Solid Fat For Frying

Solid fats/shortenings are produced as substitutes for solid animal fats, especially lard. In North America, cottonseed oil was converted to shortening to replace lard in the 1890s. Soyabean oil did not become a major ingredient in shortening until the late 1930s. Now, partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil and soyabean oil have been used to produce shortenings in […]

TT No. 372: Trans Free and Low Saturated Palm-Based Packet Margarine Formulation

A trans-free and low saturated palmbased packet margarine was formulated. The product was consistent, yet soft and spreadable on bread at refrigerator temperature (5°C-10°C). However, as with other soft margarines, it becomes soft and oily after being left at > 30°C for more than 1 hr. Margarines containing < 33% total saturated fatty acids (SAFA) and […]

TT No. 371: Trans Free Palm-Based Shelf Stable Margarine Formulation

Tans-free palm-based shelf-stable margarine was formulated from palm oil derivatives without hydrogenation. The margarine, processed in a scraped surface heat exchanger (was filled in containers of 10 and 20 kg and could be marketed for baking and shallow frying) (Figure 1). The formulation has a melting point of 36°C – 37°C, and is thus suitable for […]