TT No. 423: Intergration of Tongkat Ali with Oil Palm

Tongkat Ali, Eurycoma Iongifolia (Figure 1), is a shrub or small tree found  growing wild along the hill slopes of the rain forests of Malaysia and in other parts of Southeast Asia. It is a medium-sized slender shrub growing up to 10 m in height, often unbranded, with reddish brown petioles and compound pinnate leaves, […]

TT No. 422: Trichoderma as a Bio-control Agent Against Ganoderma in Oil Palm

Basal stem rot (BSR)caused by Ganoderma is a disease of economic importance to the oil palm industry in Malaysia. To date, the disease is managed through cultural practices such as sanitation during replanting which reduces the risk of encountering the disease at an early stage of growth. Studies using chemical control are still ongoing and […]

TT No. 421: Bafog-1(S): Fogging Formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis for Controlling Bagworm

Bafog-1(S) is the local B. thuringiensis isolate, MPOB BTI formulated solution for controlling bagworm via fogging. The name Bagof-1(S) was derived from Nacillus sp. for fogging in solution from (S). Bafog-1(S) is specially formulated for bottom,-up application in peat and soggy areas where the use of tractor-mounted turbomist is not possible. Bafog-1(S) is produced by vacuum evaporating […]

TT No. 420: Ecobac-1 (EC): Emulsified Concentrate Bacillus thuringiensis for Controlling Bagworm Outbreak by Aerial Spraying

Ecobac-1 (EC) is an emulsified MPOB Bt1 concentrate formulated for controlling bagworm outbreak. The product is suitable for the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) of bagworm applicable via aerial spray. The name, Ecobac-1 (EC) was derived from its property being ecologically safe Bacillus spp. Ecobac-1 (EC) is an emulsified concentrate of MPOB Bt1 which is a further enhancement of the […]

TT No. 419: Roller-type Oil Palm Loose Fruit Picker

The decline in the rate of palm oil extraction is due to a great extent to the incomplete collection of loose oil palm fruits. This has worsened with labor shortages, which have been repeatedly mentioned as the most critical factor in ensuring all bunches and loose fruits are harvested and collected. Labour shortage continues to […]