TT No. 448: An Improved Oil Palm Motorized Cutter – Cantas Mark II

MPOB introduced the oil palm motorized cutter, Cantas, in 2007. Cantas is suitable for harvesting fresh fruit bunches (FFB) from palms up to 5 m tall, which is the height normally reached by palms which are less then 13 years old. Canas is easy to use and is less strenuous for the worker compared to […]

TT No. 447: MPOB Auto Lysimeter System (auto lys) for Leaching Studies

Fertilizer management practices are very important in oil palm cultivation for high yield production and to minimize negative impact on the environment. Nutrients applied as fertilizers are subjected to losses in the dissolved from via surface runoff, erosion, vocalization, leaching and fixation in the soil. For example, higher rates of fertilizer application per unit area […]

TT No. 446: Consortium of Biofertilizing Microbes

Biofertilizer is a substance which contains living microorganisms. When applied to seed, plant surfaces or the soil, the microorganisms in biofertilizer colonize the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant, and promote growth by increasing the supply or availability of the primary nutrients to the host plant. Most biofertilizer contain root nodule bacteria, mycorrhizal fungi and other microorganisms that facilitate nutrients […]