TT No. 465: Shaving Lathers with Palm Vitamin E

The most common problem associated with shaving is skin irritation, which includes nicks and cuts. Some skin irritation is unavoidable because of the removal of beard hair. Therefore, palm vitamin E (tocotrienol-rich product) is incorporated into shaving lather formulations to reduce skin inflammation and irritation and to reduce the amount of water loss from the […]

TT No. 463 & 464: Palm-based Hair Care Products

Hair grows from a bulb which consists of the dermal papolla and the hair matrix. The structure of hair is shown in Figure 1. Below the surface of hair is the hair root, which is enclosed within a hair dollicle. At the base of the hair follicle is the dermal papilla. The dermal papilla is […]

TT No. 462: Glycerol to Polylglycerol : Value Addition of Biodiesel By-Product

Crude glycerin of 75% to 85% is the major by-product from biodiesel plant. With the existing markets for glycerol, any increade in biodiesel production would indirectly skyrocket the glycerol supply. Moreover, the refining process and logistics of glycerol distribution will contribute to an increase in investment cost. Over the recent years, MPOB has developed a […]