TS No. 107: Stump Treatment With Dazomet for Controlling Ganoderma Disease in Oil Palm

The Ganoderma, the cause of basal stem rot (BSR) disease, is facultative basidiomycete fungus and a mahor pathogen of oil palm in Malaysia. One stratergy to manage BSR is by reducing chemical to infected stumps. Fu,ogation is one means of reducing inoculum f some root rotting fungi. Soil fumigants such as methylisothiocyanate (MITC), methyl bromide, […]

TT No. 500: Palm Tocotrienol Nanoemulsian for Topical Application

Nanoemulsions are suitable for the efficient delivery of active ingredients through the skin. The large surface area of the emulsion system allows for the rapid penetration of actives such as vitamins and antioxidants into the skin. The application of nanoemulsions with lipid or non-soluble materials has produced enhanced skin properties. Incorporation of lipophilic materials such […]

TS No. 499: TOCOGels as Anti-inflammatory Agents

Palm vitamin E is a tocotrienol-rich product. In cosmetic applications and in the treatment of cutaneous diseases, vitamin E helps to reduce the amount of water lost from the skin’s surface, and to reduce the formation of free radicals following skin exposes to ultra violet A (UV) rays and to other skin stress. Main Research: […]

TT No. 498: Palm Kernel Cake as an Exfoliant in Personal Care Products

The oil palm sector represents one of the major industries in Malaysia. The country has been one of the largest producers and exporters of palm oil products in the world. Malaysia is also one of the main producers and exporters of palm kernel products, especially of palm kernel oil and palm kernel cake (PKC). PKC […]

TT No. 497: Green Resources for a Multifunctional Chemical : Palm Fatty Hydrazide

Hydrazides are useful compounds having a general formula. They make up a versatile class of nitrogen substituted molecules with a high degree of chemical reactivity. They can be a precursor as well as an intermediate for many important organic molecules. Hydrazides of palm oil contains an amide, an anmmine group and a long-chain alkyl group, R. […]