TS No. 112: Determination of Sulphated Ash Content of Biodiesel and Diesel Fuel

The palm biodiesel technology has been develop in MPOB since 1980s. In recent years, biodiesel has gained a significant role as a blending component for diesel fuel. Various countries including Malaysia have implemented the blending of biodiesel into diesel fuel in various ratios. Malaysia has implemented the B5 (blend of 5% biodiesel with 95% diesel […]

TS No. 110: MPOB Fungal Identification System 1 (FIDS 1)

The Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region is the most widely sequenced DNA region in fungi by PRC analysis. The sequence comparison of the fungi ITS region is widely used in taxonomy and molecular phylogeny due to the high copy number of rRNA genes. Furthermore, it is easy to amplify even from small quantities of DNA […]

TS No. 109: MPOB Microbial Identification System 1 (MIDS 1)

MPOB Microbial Identification System 1 (MIDS 1) utilises the Biolog which is a microbial identidication tool based on biochemical analyses. Biolog was developed in 1989 by Biolog, Inc. and well-known for its ability to identify and characteriste microorganisms. It is an identification system for bacterial, yeast and fungi using a microplate that analyse a microorganism […]