MIS No. 4: Cost Effectiveness of the CPO Fuel in the Mercedes Elsbett Engine Car

It is currently possible to use vegetable oil fuel to run cars which have been filled with new or suitably modified diesel engines. In this connection, PORIM has experiment on a car fitted with Elsbett vegetable fuel engine and crude palm oil (CPO) has been used exclusively as vegetable oil fuel in the experiment. The […]

MIS No. 3: Palm-Based Cocoa Butter Substitutes (CBS)

Cocoa butter substitutes (CBS) are fats which are designed to match the physical properties of cocoa butter and palm and palm kernel oils have long been the most important sources of oils for their manufacture. There are many different (CBS) fats suitable for a wide variety of confectionery applications, but they can be divided neatly […]

MIS No. 2: Blending of Palm Olein To Improve Its Cloud Point

The choice of an oil or fat for a given application depends on its specific physico-chemical properties. The physico-chemical properties vary from one fat to another. Presently, with, the aid of modern techniques, it is possible to modify the physico-chemical properties of an oil or fat to suit a particular application. Amongst the modification processes […]

MIS No. 1: The Palm Oil Industry, Export Trade and Future Trends

Palm oil contributes significantly in supplying the world’s requirement for oils and fats. Total production in 1990 was 10.55 million tonnes and this accounted for 13.2% of the world’s total oils and fats output of 79.7 million tonnes. Palm oil together with soyabean, rapeseed and sunflowerseed oils are often recognized as the big four in […]