TT No. 652: Pycnoporus Sanguineus As Biodegrader Of Oil Palm Trunk and Root Mass for Ganoderma Control

Due to environmental concerns, the practice of land clearing by the clean burn method has been substituted by the non-burn regime (zero-burning) in the Malaysian oil palm plantation since 1993. Other benefits of zero burning practices include nutrient recycling, soil improvement, faster plantation establishment and lower costs (Hashim et al., 1993). Main Researcher:  Yuvarani NaiduEmail:

TS No. 183: Bio-Based Content Determination of Palm Based Polyols Using Radiocarbon Technique

This service offers a determination of bio-based content of palm-based polyols using radiocarbon technique. The amount of the biomass content in a product is defined as the bio based content (American Society for Testing and Materials, 2008). Bio-based polyols, such as palm based and soybean-based polyols, have been significantly incorporated into polyurethane foam formulation (Ain […]

TS No. 182: OPSRI – Oil Palm Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Resource Interface

OPSRI is a web-based pipeline system that is integrated with several useful tools, namely MISA (Thiel et al., 2003), Primer3 (Rozen et al., 2000) and BLAST (Altschul et al., 1997) for SSR, primer design and annotation. Three modules (Analysis, Database and Query) are provided in a graphical user interface to facilitate tasks and assist in […]