TT No. 636: Rapid Composting Of Empty Fruit Bunch Using Effective Microbes

Rapid composting of accumulated empty fruit bunch (EFB) at palm oil mills is crucial to make composting viable and effective. Many technologies have been developed for rapid composting, but the main challenge is the economic feasibility, mainly caused by the cost of the effective microbes. Therefore, the developed formulation of microbial consortia was isolated with […]

TT No. 635: Intensive Integration Of Dairy Goat In Oil Palm Cultivation

Small land holding is one of the factors limiting the independent oil palm growers to increase the production of fresh fruit bunches and income. Therefore, a good land use strategy is needed to fully utilise the farm to ensure it remain sustainable in the future. Intensive integration of dairy goat is a value farming through […]

TT No. 634: Clonal Palm Series 2 (CPS2)

The Malaysian oil palm industry recorded an average oil yield of 3.53 t ha-1 yr-1 in 2017 (MPOB, 2018). It was postulated that the oil palm has the genetic potential of attaining oil yield of up to 18.5 t ha-1 yr-1 (Corley, 1998). To narrow the yield gap, genetic gain through breeding and vegetative propagation […]

TT No. 633: OPTRACKS 3.0: A Web-Based Oil Palm Tissue Culture Database System

The oil palm tissue culture (OPTC) process involves many stages that generate enormous amount of information starting from sampling of ortets, culturing of explants, calli, embryoids, polyembryoids, shoots, transplanted ramets and planting in fields. Every OPTC laboratory has its own way of collecting data, from the conventional manual entry into forms, spreadsheets and/or databases etc. […]