TS No. 171: Structural Stability Analysis of Solid Fats with High Amount of Liquid Oil

The ability of fat crystals to bind and hold a certain amount of liquid oil within their crystal matrix is dependent on triacylglycerol composition (Chawla and deMan, 1990; Taylor, 1976), thermal properties (deMan et al., 1995), and interaction of the fat crystals in the developed crystal network (Johansson and Bergenstayhl, 1995) of the fat blends. […]

TS No. 170: Analysis of Polar Compound Fractions in Oil Matrices

Quantification of polar compounds is recognised as one of the most reliable and objective methods to evaluate the quality of vegetable oils. It is widely used as an indicator to determine the thermal stability and safety of the oils as a result of heating and frying. The analysis provides more robust measurement of oil deterioration […]

TS No. 168: Determination of Palm Oleochemical Thermal Properties

Each chemical substance has its own melting point. A deviation in melting point of a substance indicates a presence of other components in the substance. Melting point determination through this invention (DSC) method provides information on the number of components present in the mixture through thermal properties resolution (thermogram). Main Researcher: Fadzlina AbdullahEmail: fadzlina@mpob.gov.my

TS No. 167: Identification of Leaf Metabolome Content for Development of New Varieties

In contrast to genetic markers, metabolite based biomarkers are relatively new in plant breeding. This is very different from the situation in the medicinal field, where clinical biochemistry has long been the basis for developing metabolite based biomarkers. Application in plant sciences has lagged behind, due to the slow application of related technologies that can […]