TT No. 595: D3 Technology Solution – Reclaiming Lost Opportunities in Palm Oil Mill

Crude palm oil (CPO) is produced in palm oil mills by mechanically extracting it from the sterilised and digested fruitlets. However, mechanical methods have their limitations as to how efficient they can extract the oil from the fruitlets. Thus, some oil is lost in the residues such as the empty fruit bunches (EFB), mesocarp fibres, […]

TT No. 594: Metabolome Analysis of Oil Palm Root for Breeding and Engineering New Varieties

The lack of information on the roles of metabolites secreted by oil palm roots hindered the understanding on mechanism underlying plant’s response to fluctuations in the abiotic and biotic environments. Investigation of root metabolites may provide information on the concentration levels of hundreds of known and not yet identified metabolites (Dubey et al., 2010; Schmidt […]

TT No. 593: Multivessel (MV) Bioreactor for Liquid Tissue Culture System

Improvement to the oil palm liquid culture system is a continuous process. This led to the development of an innovative technology, namely the MultiVessel (MV) bioreactor, for the simultaneous multiplication of cell aggregates of various clones and/or application of various treatments. Main Researcher: Dr Ahmad Tarmizi HashimEmail: