MIS No. 78: Slip Melting Point Meter

Slip melting point is a widely used parameter in the specification of oils and fats. It is normally determined by visual observation of a thermometer placed alongside the sample immersed in a water bath. An automated instrument is now available for the rapid and accurate measurement of slip melting point of oil. The instrument automatically records […]

MIS No. 77: Transparency Meter

Transparency Meter* is a tool for measuring the transparency, translucency and clarity of materials in the form of solids, liquids or gels. Measurement is based on a new method which is superior to the subjective visual observation or direct transmission methods. The method is based on light scattering effect through various media using a laser […]

MIS No. 76: Laser Spectrofluorimeter system

The *Laser Induced Fluorescence Spectrofluorimeter (LIFmeter) is designed to detect chlorophyll content in both crude and refined vegetable oils. It exhibits a very high sensitivity compared to the conventional spectrophotometer method. Operation is as simple as filling a cuvette chamber and pressing the measure button. Main Research: Tan Yew Ai

MIS No. 75: Palm Oil Carotenoids : are they Saviour of the Beta – Carotene Debacle

One of the most promising micronutrients recommended for optimum health has been sent into a tailspin by recent media and scientific reports. We have become rather familiar with eye-catching captions, such as ‘beta-carotene ineffective in forestalling cancer’ and ‘beta-carotenic ineffective in forestalling cancer’ and ‘beta-carotene takes a collective beating’. To those who have been following […]

MIS No. 74: Recent Advances in Palm Oil Nutrition

Gone are the days when we were practically afraid to talk about the nutritional properties of palm oil. The fear then was not so much our reservation about its nutritional attributes but rather the lack of published references available in the world biomedical databases. This was significantly corrected by PORIM’s concerted efforts in propadating well-defined […]