MIS No. 97: Harvesting pole (Zirafah)

Efficient harvesting of fresh fruits bunches (FFB) plays a vital role towards improving the quality of harvested FFB. Harvesting of short palms (<3-metres in height) is a relatively simple operation. However harvesting of tall palms (> 3-metres in height) requires a different method and technique. A sickle attached to a long pole is normally used. […]

MIS No. 96: Palm Based Candle

Candles are mainly used in religious ceremonies such as in churches and temples. They are also widely used for decorative purposes in restaurants, festivities and even in wood-warmers in restaurants. Traditionally, beeswax and solid fats were used. However, the use of solid fats in candles was always objectionable because pyrolysis of these materials produced small […]

MIS No. 94: Process for Recovery of Palm Carotene Concentrate

The orange red colour of crude palm oil is due to the presence of the natural colour pigment called carotenes. In fact, palm oil is one of the richest source of natural carotenes. The major carotenes found in crude palm oil are the carotene (35%) and B-carotene (56%). The concerntration of carotene in crude palm oil […]

MIS No. 93: PORIM’s Efficacy Laboratory for Cosmetics and Toiletries

Cosmetics and toiletries cover a wide range of products and can be divided into four main categories, i.e skin care, hair care, oral hygiene and colour cosmetics. The two most dynamic sectors are the skin care and hair care and much of the growth is seen in the Asia Pacific region ( Shaw 1996, SPC ASIA Oct/Nov […]

MIS No: 92: Automotive Components : Thermoformable Plastic Composites from Op – Fibre

The oil palm industry in Malaysia is producing more than 30 million tonnes of cellulosic materials from oil palm fronds (OPF), empty fruit bunches (EFB) and felled trunk (OPT) each year. The availability of oil palm biomass amounts to seven times the total wood used in Malaysia. Therefore, the wood-based industry should consider using more […]