TT No. 77a: The Identity of Ganoderma Species Responsible for Basal Stem Rot Disease of Oil Palm in Malaysia – Morphological Characteristics

Basal stem root (BSR) caused by species of Ganoderma is a disease of economic importance of oil palm in Malaysia and Indonesia. The genus Ganoderma Karst. is categorised as a higher fungus, a polyporoid genus, within the fanily; Ganodermataceae, Order: Basidiomycetes. The early literature on BSR disease of oil palm reported conflicting opinions on the […]

MIS No. 100: PORIM Series 1 – PORIM Elite Oil Palm Planting Materials

Current oil palm planting materials grow at a rate of 40-75cm / yr. The palms are too tall after 20 years and harvesting is difficult. Breeding for short oil palms is one of the main priorities. PORIM has developed PORIM Series I (PS1) planting materials with slower height increment in PORIM-Nigerian germplasm collection (Rajanaidu et […]

MIS No. 99: Mobile Ramp – for Mainline Loading of Oil Palm Fresh Fruit Bunches

Mainline loading of oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) is either done manually or mechanically. Methods currently practised by estates include: manual loading Net system loading (KULIM system) Platform ramp loading High-lift infield trailer loading Huka/Hook-lift concept loading In some of these loading systems, for example manual, net and platform ramp loading, the FFB are […]

MIS No. 98: The Supercrawler – an Infield Transporter for Difficult Areas

The SuperCrawler is a track machine designed for infoeld transportation of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) from palm base to roadside platform particularly in difficult areas. A vehicle with wheels normally has maneuvering problem in soft and soggy areas. The normal FFB evacuation produce in this soil conditions is to use wheelbarrow or manual carrying. In […]